
My introduction into the transport industry began at an early age. My grandfather started his own transport business in Central West NSW in 1948 "Hawken Brother Transport"
Two trucks ran into Sydney each night another was stationed at the rail depot and carted direct from there straight to the shops, the fourth truck carted livestock from around the district into Sydney.

My Father was also heavily involved in the transport industry and for 40 years he designed and manufactured livestock trailers in Dubbo, "Shank Trailers" 
 so, I guess it was inevitable that I grew up working and loving the industry.

My husband had  love for trucks and grew up around trucks, driving them and repairing trailers from an early age.
This saw us move from Dubbo to pursue a career as a livestock carrier...not knowing our lives would change forever.

This journey has led me to where I am today, supporting truck drivers, drivers that have been involved in an accident, drivers suffering PTSD and depression.
 I believe the healing process is so much better when you are supported and can talk to someone that has experienced a similar situation.
Transport Divers do not go to work expecting not to come home...

My personal role

For a number of years I have been supporting the health and well- being of transport personnel. I have supported transport drives suffering road trauma, depression,
PTSD, marriage breakdown and grief.
These are all issues that can have an effect on the driver.

 I travel to the drivers, I set up at local road houses, truck stops and rest areas. 
I have been privileged to be invited into several workplaces offering  drivers a friendly smile and the chance to have a confidential chat.

Drivers also have the opportunity  to test their blood sugar and have their blood pressure checked if they choose to take advantage of this service.

Supporting Drivers within the Transport Industry

"Without Trucks Australia stops"

If you would like to know more or you would like to become a sponsor please contact me.
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