THANK YOU.........
To the rescue squad and ambulance officers from Yass.
To the Doctors & nurses of Woden Valley hospital who all had a hand in saving my life.
To my mother and father, "Thank-you" isn't enough..No words can express your devotion, love and patience and support..
To my mother in law, who felt all my sorrow, but stayed so strong on the outside.
To my husband, who was by my bed side night and day, while trying to cope with his own grief. (you are truly my sole mate, my other half)
To my uncle, not only for travelling 4 hours to visit me every weekend without fail, but for making me see I still had a lot to live for when I had all but given up.
To my children, it was so hard on you, to loose a brother and sister, and go through your own grief without me.
To all of you that sent flowers and cards, Thank you.